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Mobile and Corporate Services

I will come to you.


Hosting a wellness fair? A corporate retreat? Looking for an educational staff event that is unique? Does your business have an intense deadline, and you want to provide support with a pop-up onsite stress relief clinic? Does your business have a particular wellness concern across many employees, such as: dry eyes from too much time on the computer? Digital device related shoulder and neck pain?  Are your executives, management teams, and staff suffering stress and insomnia over changing times? Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help.

From managing and moving multiple acupuncture offices and working in motion-picture production for over 10 years, I developed the comprehensive understanding on how to set up a temporary, safe, functional treatment space for whatever your corporate or small business needs might be.

I can provide in-person, one-on-one,  group acupuncture treatments or virtual services to educate your entire staff - in wellness resilience, movement exercises, and other productivity boosting skills. I can provide short talks and exercises that can be video recorded for future reference for your staff. I welcome inquiries to talk about the possibilities with your human resources team, or event coordinator.

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